In today's society, children have stress at a much younger age than we did while growing up. We had the wonderful opportunity to “take a moment” when we would play outside or ride our bikes. We were able to breathe in fresh air and focus on the sun rising or setting. We actually had times when we were truly at peace.
With the rising use of technology and screen time, our students are less able to "take a moment" or find peace. At The Greene School, we believe that integrating mindfulness into our core curriculum gives our students the tools and strategies to take a breath and be present in the moment. All students and teachers participate in mindfulness daily. However, it is not taught in isolation. These practices are carried over into the classrooms. Teachers implement mindfulness strategies prior to an assessment or when students may need a "brain break.” This allows our students to relax, focus, and recharge.
There is a strategy we use that's called "Take 5." You hold up your five fingers and start by tracing your thumb, from the bottom to the top, as you breathe in. When you reach the top of your thumb, start tracing down the other side and breathing out until you reach the base of your pointer finger. You continue in this fashion, breathing up one side of your finger and breathing down the other side until you reach your pinky. This 15-second activity truly relaxes and resets our students. We know our students are using this in other areas of their lives, too. As we had one parent say, "my husband and I were in an argument and my child told us to Take 5!"
We are proud that we provide an inspiring and challenging academic program. Along with that, we are pleased that we can also provide our students with the tools to practice mindfulness, allowing them to find peace and balance in their lives.
The Greene School is hosting their next Information Session on Wednesday, November 13. For more information and to register, click here.
The Greene School is located at 2001 South Dixie Highway in West Palm Beach, Florida (561) 293-2888.